Rainy days always get me down and today was no exception.  In my attempt to avoid cozying up with a book and a nice warm fuzzy blanket, I decided to escape the blues and head to the kitchen to be creative.  When the quarantine began, one of the hardest ingredients to find was baker’s yeast.  Well, Dennis managed to obtain a few packages and it was high time for me to attack a new bread staple – Naan bread.  I’m not well versed when it comes to preparing fresh bread or yeast recipes so this was looking like a grand adventure.

I found a recipe on Pinterest as a starting point.  You can find the recipe here:  https://www.creationsbykara.com/easy-homemade-naan-bread-recipe/

First step is to activate the yeast.  Once bubbly, it is ready to add with the other ingredients and create a smooth dough ball ready for the proofing stage.  I did not have plain yogurt so I substituted with sour cream.  This is the part of this recipe when I pray that I’m not just wasting ingredients.

I prepared the dough and placed it in a greased bowl to rise.

Once the dough was doubled in size, I turned it out onto a floured surface, prepared the frying pan and we were on our way to fresh flatbread for dinner.

My objective was to create a Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad flatbread.  With Dennis’ help we achieved our goal and it was delicious.

My intention was to learn to prepare a special bread that my girls enjoy when they eat in unique restaurants in Philadelphia.  I can’t wait to share this recipe with them.

What are some dishes that you have never made that you would like to perfect?