We plan to share some of our favorite products from time to time but not to bash something because it doesn’t work for us. These will be products that we own and enjoy using. Everyone is different and what we like might not work for you, so purchase at your own discretion.
I enjoy red wines and one benefit is that, for the most part, they are served at room temperature. I’m not a wine expert and my palate doesn’t demand expensive bottles of wine. I’m very satisfied with the lower cost bottles. I do have favorite brands, and there are some that I steer away from, but for the most part I can easily find a bottle for under $20 that will be perfect for me. I prefer Cabernet Sauvignon or a Merlot and have enjoyed many of the blends as well. Since I’m not super picky, I am also not opposed to getting my wine from a box. And you can’t beat the price when one box equals several bottles of wine for the same price! But if you are like us, we don’t really want a box sitting out on the counter for a week.
Which is why I wanted to share one of my favorite products called the Boxxle (not a sponsor). Boxxle is a box wine dispenser that looks good on the counter next to a coffee maker or blender. It is a clever setup because the bag (I think it is technically referred to as a bladder) which normally relies on gravity, is loaded upside down. In this configuration a paddle supplies the pressure to “push” the wine out of the bag. You have to first push a spring loaded panel to the bottom of the dispenser until it latches. You then take the interior “bladder “out of the box (my Boxxle holds the 3 liter size bag) and turn it upside down so the spout is at the top. Once the bag is in place and the spout is secured in the channel you just firmly close the lid till it latches. That releases the spring loaded paddle to compress the bag. The last step is to rotate the spout so that it is pointing down and remove whatever spout locking mechanism the brand uses.

Normally the flow from the box is controlled by gravity and that flow slows with each glass of wine poured. The extra force that is applied by the Boxxle paddle fills your glass fairly quickly every time and also provides a little aeration even when the bag is almost empty, which I think makes it taste just a bit better.
Here is a short clip showing how to load the bag into the dispenser.